Hi Everyone,
The weather is fantastic this weekend. I mean low humdity, sunny, nice breeze….just about perfect. I was outside and the odd thing was…there weren’t really that many people out and about. I get that though, I mean here I am typing on a computer…. What do you think is up with all that? Why do we tend to get lazy? Is it because we work hard during the week and want to “rest” on the weekend? I think I have made that excuse a few times….but think about; any day spent lounging about watching sports, etc….do you feel more rested or more drained?
Maybe it is a physics thing; Newton’s first law of physics is “objects at rest stay at rest.” See it’s not our faults, physics was lame in high school/college and is just rearing its ugly head again. Perhaps, it’s a knowledge issue. I hear that alot, “but I don’t what I’m doing!” But, honestly, we know how to walk.
Ultimately, for me it is a combination of the first two aforementioned excuses…meaning it’s just easier to be lazy. At least that’s what people who are lazy think, but this is truly an illusion. It is not easier to be obese, to have health problems related to obesity, to be more likely to suffer from low self-esteem, to be more likely to be depressed (as research is now indicating). Yet, we have convinced ourselves that all those problems are easier to deal with than a daily 30 minute walk, run, outdoor activity, gym trip, playing with kids, motion. We have let ourselves be deceived. It’s time to change that. I know I am. My wife is helping me get extra active, the 5K group our office is having is helping me. I’m telling you this because if I can get more active, everyone can.
Taking the perceived easy way out makes me think of a quote by B.J. Palmer. Palmer was a chiropractor, his dad the founder of chiropractic, and their school Palmer College of Chiropractic is my and Dr. Stephanie’s alma mater. Palmer said, “the path of least resistance is what makes rivers and men crooked.” It’s time for all of us to stop following the path of least resistance, to stop taking the “easy” way. Not just in exercise but in eating habits, in dealing with stress, in making sure we are getting ourselves and our loved ones adjusted. If we make the effort, the rewards will be greater than we think.
I could go on and on, but it’s time to move on, literally. It’s easier than you think to get started. Besides the second half of Newton’s first law is that objects in motion tend to stay in motion. So let’s go!
In health, Dr. Graham, chiropractor