
Last night was our exciting event in Manchester, where internationally respected speaker and chiropractic legend Dr. James Sigafoose made a one night only stop at the Palace Theater. All I can really say about it is, “wow”!  The whole night was great: Dr. Sigafoose was amazing and on a personally exciting  note we had a kind friend take our kids for the evening (thanks, Chrissy)!

I must say, I wish all of you could have been there. The wisdom and joy that flowed from his words, was simply inspirational.  The Palace Theater was beauitful (we had one practice member who told me that he could recall seeing movies at the Palace as a child 50+ years ago). The crowd was big, vibrant, and interactive. Dr. Sigafoose spoke with not just the aforementioned wisdom, but warmth and humor.  Listening to him is like nothing you have ever heard: comedian/scientist/philosopher/grandfather.

The hour he spoke flew by. He discussed how chiropractic worked, how our thoughts affect us, how to have joy in life; basically how to be healthy, happy, and wise. Not bad for a hours work, right?!  I had a few favorite parts. I loved his discussion on the theory of how we get unhealthy and sick. You see our cells are constantly renewing themselves. We are always recreating our tissues. We bascially have cellular turnover. Now to be healthy, we need this cellular renewal to go well and be done correctly. That is why chiropractic is so important. Of course we want you to not have pain (low back, headaches, etc.), but that is not the BIG idea. The big idea is that this cellular renewal is performed by the brain and nervous system. If these are not functioning correctly then as your body performs this cell turnover, some of the cells will not be made the way they were supposed to. As the number of cells made incorrectly begins to outnumber the cells that were good then sickness and disease set in. However, if the cell renewal is done correctly by a correctly functioning nervous system then our body is able to stay healthy. So how does our nervous system stay functioning at its highest level so that it can correctly direct this cellular renewal: by keeping it free of problems and interference through chiropractic. That is why you will get well over time by being adjusted. That is why once your pain is gone it is absolutely imperative to continue to get your nervous system checked by a chiropractor so that you can have a lifetime of health and wellness and disease prevention.

I also loved his discussion of how thoughts affect us. You see so many of our problems start right between our ears. Our thoughts can actually be destructive or can build us up. He even gave an example of a patient who obsessed about a severe digestive issue he was dealing with (surgeries, meds failed).  He convinced the man to stop thinking about being ill and to focus on “I’m healthy”. Amazingly, health did follow. You see we have become so focused on what we need from the outside to gey rid of sickness that we have forgotten how to stay well. God designed our bodies to function properly, bad in doing this He wouldn’t have left you without the neccessary tools to do so. Everything you need to get and stay healthy is in you already. Remember that, keep positive, and keep that nervous system working right and health is within your grasp.

A huge thanks to Dr. Stephanie for getting this event together. She was the driving force to make this all happen. As usual, if she sets her mind to something, she rocks it out. She spent countless hours in the details of this event. Thank you!

Thanks to all of our practice members who made it out! We loved seeing you and hope you enjoyed it! Keep us the good work!

Have a great day! In health, Dr.Graham, chiropractor



